can ask: is it real to be so stupid implementing TAPs and brokers that
packets are duplicated? Yes, of course, and it doesn't indicate
architects' stupidity. E.g. we need the datacenter traffic analysis. So,
it is necessary to mirror datacenter uplinks (no matter Internet or
corporate) to have an incoming/outgoing traffic visibility, and
aggregation/service layer links according to the datacenter network
design. Inbound/outbound packet has no duplicates if it is going to some
segment connected via dedicated physical lines, no router/firewall on a
stick etc.
assume some network part on the picture 1. TAPs mirror traffic to
aggregators and then it is sent to information security systems. Users'
connections path to servers is going through at least 2 TAPs copying
traffic to the aggregator. As a result security sensors receive much
more traffic for analysis.
Picture 1. Network fragment.
This issue may be addressed using the packet deduplication function shown below. If SPAN-aggregator is able to do it without false positives or negatives then information security systems efficiency may increase a lot.

Picture 2. Packet deduplication explanation.
So it is packet deduplication feature in brief.
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